We believe that proper disposal of your old boat from dry docked areas, lakes, ocean, and slips are important for many reasons. Abandoned and derelict vessels are no longer taken care of and post a threat to people and the environment. Boats that are not properly disposed of can leak fuel and oil into the water or land which can harm marine life and pollute the water. They can block navigational channels, damage the ecosystems and not to mention some vessels may contain fuel and hazardous materials.
Whether dry docked, in a slip or just sitting on a trailer or on the ground, we’re the best choice for professional boat removal. This is because we get the results our customers want and have come to expect.
We have the expereience, equipment and expertise to handle any marine salvage project. We will remove any junk boat big or small.
Why deal with environmental issues, possible code vioations, and perhaps other fines and fees? Get rid of your junked boat today with our professional boat removal service.